About me

I was born and raised in south Alabama and Joined the US Air Force in 1990 at the tender young age of 21.  I was trained at Lowrey AFB in Colorado as a PMEL Calibration technician and later retrained into the role of Satellite Payload Director.  I served until November of 2000.

Hi, my name is Ken Terrell and my amateur radio call sign is AC0TG. I’ve been interested in electronics and computers since I was 10 years old. I grew up in Dothan Alabama and I joined the US Air Force in December 1990. I spent 10 years in the calibration lab and later I flew satellites. After leaving the Air Force I started working for Raytheon as a Unix System Administrator at Space Imaging, working on the ground processing system for the world’s first commercial satellite imagery company.

Later I worked for Raytheon as a Network Boundary security test engineer for the GPS OCX program. And finally I am still a Raytheon employee working on a vitalized development pipeline platform for internal Raytheon use.

I was licensed as a technician KC0ZCT in 2006, and upgraded to Amatuer Extra in 2010. My son Timothy KM4POD and daughter Jess W5ACY are obviously both ham radio operators as well. We travel the world seeking out injustices and the forces of evil.